This transparency statement is published by Sabre Retail Fashion Limited t/a Mint Velvet in accordance with section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and covers the financial year from 26th April 2020 to 31 December 2020.
Modern slavery and human trafficking are gross violations of fundamental human rights. Mint Velvet is committed to acting responsibly and implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure no forms of modern slavery occur in our own business or supply chains.
Mint Velvet was established with honesty as one of its core values and twelve years on that value continues to be a priority in the way we conduct our business. We naturally therefore expect honesty to be demonstrated by our suppliers and form the basis for ongoing dialogue to encourage increased transparency and improvements in ethical and environmental standards. We work closely with our suppliers in order to build long-term sustainable business relationships based on honesty and transparency.
The eradication of global modern slavery is a challenge for the whole of fashion supply chain. Mint Velvet remains committed to taking effective action to address human rights infringements within our sphere of influence. Our approach continually evolves as we discover more about the risks and challenges, but we aim to continue to ensure the interests of victims of modern slavery are put first and work to eliminate the possibility of modern slavery in our supply chain.
Our business and supply chains
Mint Velvet is a retailer of own brand womenswear, footwear and accessories. We operate internationally via third party websites; through boutique and outlet stores in the UK and Ireland; concessions in department stores in the UK and Ireland.
Mint Velvet sources its products from 41 suppliers across 113 factories in 13 countries, including China, Turkey, India, and across the EU.
Mapping and understanding our supply chain is a key focus at Mint Velvet. We have continued our work by focusing on our key and biggest suppliers requiring all suppliers to reconfirm their factory list and provide further supply chain information where relevant e.g. laundry details. We have also expanded the information we gather to develop a broader and more complete picture of our factories such as worker numbers and production capacity. This exercise has meant our declared factory base has expanded as we have increased our knowledge.
As leather is such a key part of our product offer we have taken steps to map our leather supply chain in more detail. This will be a wider, long term project for Mint Velvet but we have begun to map our tanneries with the assistance of our suppliers. Additionally we have developed a feather mapping profile to ensure we have transparency of any feathers we may source.
We have partnered with a CSR and Human Rights expert to develop our internal strategy and knowledge. With this expertise we have built on our polices and procedures to ensure they are robust in tackling modern slavery. This includes updating our supplier set up process to ensure suppliers are clear on our expectations prior to working with Mint Velvet, developing a risk traffic light system where we can communicate internally the level of risk at each factory, improved our supplier database to increase traceability and have capability to produce reports to improve our escalation procedure for audit report concerns and our CSR team work together to make the best decisions moving forward. We have also overhauled our auditing and supplier visibility review system to ensure key information and concerns are highlighted so appropriate actions can be taken should they be necessary.
We have worked hard to involve the wider product teams in our journey and increase internal engagement. We now have periodic meetings with each department to discuss risk and each department’s factory base to ensure modern slavery is considered across all areas of the business. This is with the aim that everyone is aware of the work going on at Mint Velvet and to encourage a business wide focus on CSR and our factory working conditions.
At a policy level, we have a framework that sets out our ethical standards and norms. These include the following:
- Code of conduct, which is derived from ILO conventions
- Whistleblowing policy
- Supplier handbook (all branded product suppliers are contractually bound by the terms and conditions set out in our handbook and includes key ethical policies)
- Anti-slavery and human trafficking policy
- Anti-bribery policy
We recognise that certain production locations present higher potential risks of modern slavery and trafficking due to migrant workers, existing evidence of child labour and bonded labour, higher levels of female workers and refugees.
Due diligence
Due diligence is critical to the overall effectiveness of addressing risk and we are continually evolving our approach. In relation to our product supply chain our due diligence involves the steps below:
This provides geographical and sectoral-level risk information. We have overhauled our mapping process to include all our factory information in one place, linking this information to all areas of our business to increase traceability and business wide consideration of our supply base. Our database holds only concise and consistent information including how each factory scores against risk. We have developed a risk rating matrix to ensure all audits are judged fairly according to our internal and international standards and we log the improvements made over time.
Our due diligence process and mapping exercise highlighted that a supplier was using many more sites than initially declared. We immediately worked with them to understand how this had occurred and implemented an action plan with this supplier where we have now reached an excellent level of transparency.
Communication with suppliers
Due to the pandemic, which has impacted all corners of the world, we have adapted how we communicate with our suppliers to ensure they are aware of our investment in them and the practices in their factories. Our buying teams have regular video calls and check-ins with suppliers to ensure our valued and long standing relationships are nurtured, prioritised and dialogue remains open. Where problems are discovered, we work with suppliers to ensure the best outcome and we hope to begin making factory visits again as soon as we are able.
Third-party audits and factory risk rating
All first-tier manufacturing sites within Mint Velvet’s product supply chain are regularly audited. Further audits are requested on a regular basis, with a maximum period of two years in between. This involves completion of supplier and factory set-up forms prior to placing orders and the provision of an audit from a recognised independent auditor. The audits include, but are not limited to, working conditions, health and safety, working hours and wages.
The CSR team review each audit and apply a risk rating, where there are adverse findings, we work to ensure issues are resolved and assign an internal follow up deadline. With the development of our more systematic process to chase improvement we are able to ensure active involvement and monitoring of our factory working conditions. This work builds a picture overtime of improvement and highlights suppliers who we may need to pay extra attention to if found to be consistently failing. The status of our supply base is reported to management on a monthly basis including where we have seen great improvement in our risk rating in a short period of time.
Industry collaboration
We have become a member of Textiles 2030, a new voluntary agreement for the UK Textiles Sector building on the work from SCAP 2020 which Mint Velvet joined in 2019. Textiles 2030 is an ambitious UK based and government backed sustainability initiative that aims to transform the fashion and textiles sector through industry collaboration. This is an organisation which allows Mint Velvet the opportunity to build relationships with other members of the industry and work collaboratively. Here, ethical practices are often discussed and there is potential for new ethical requirements for member signatories.
Additionally, Mint Velvet partake in a monthly meeting with brands of a similar size to discuss current topics, including ethical and human rights, within the industry and how each brand is approaching the problem. This offers a fantastic forum for collaboration, idea and information sharing so the industry can work together to tackle modern slavery most effectively.
The above demonstrates Mint Velvet’s commitment to work with industry partners to improve the global supply chain in both sustainability and ethical practices. We continually review external partners that Mint Velvet could collaborate with and will continue to do so into the next year.
Branded suppliers
We have strengthened how we work with our branded suppliers by updating our branded supplier contract and implementing a robust due diligence process when a new brand comes on board. Our contract outlines the minimum expectations and actions required from a brand to ensure all forms of our supplier relationships are covered under by our ethical and modern slavery standards.
Mint Velvet employees
We have a robust recruitment process which includes our own due diligence checks such as checking original documents including passports and rights to work, as necessary, and where we work with recruitment agencies, we always ask for their modern slavery policies and processes.
All Mint Velvet employment contracts directly incorporate policies designed to protect worker rights and promote a safe and fair supply chain. These include a Code of Conduct, an Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy, an Anti-bribery Policy and our Whistleblowing Policy.
Inductions of new starters include information and initial training on modern slavery. Key personnel within the business are trained on responsible and sustainable sourcing which includes the risks of modern slavery annually and country specific risks by an independent consultant. This year we conducted training with our whole buying, merchandising and design teams to highlight the importance of understanding our supply base and how the business will continue to improve our practices. Our CSR and Human Rights expert also conducted regular, in-depth training with key CSR personnel to ensure our CSR representatives across the business continue to have the skills and knowledge necessary to tackle modern slavery.
Mint Velvet remains committed to being part of the global eradication of Modern Slavery and recognises that in a continually moving business environment we need to maintain and evolve our actions and processes in order to fulfil our part of it.
This statement was approved by the Board of Directors of Sabre Retail Fashion Limited on 23rd June 2021.
Liz Houghton
Chief Executive Officer
23 June 2021